The Port of Toledo is home to 13 terminals linked to global markets through the Great Lakes/St. Lawrence Seaway System.

port of toledo

general cargo dock

When compared to other U.S. East Coast and Gulf Coast ports, the Port of Toledo is closer to many major ports in Europe.


  • Indoor & Outdoor Storage

  • On-Dock Class I Rail Access with Dedicated Terminal Switch Engines

  • 4,100 Foot Dock Length

  • Full Seaway Draft

  • LME Approved within FTZ #8

  • The Port of Toledo's modern equipment can handle nearly any type of cargo

    • 2 Liebherr LHM 280 Mobile Harbor Cranes

    • 1 Liebherr 550 Mobile Harbor Crane 

    • 1 Mantsinen RB200 Material Handler

  • Truck Scales - facility is located on heavy haul route into Michigan

  • Located at crossroads of I-75 and I-80/90

toledo direct reduction plant

Cleveland-Cliffs Inc., the largest and oldest independent iron ore mining company in the United States, decided in 2017 to locate its first direct plant at Ironville Terminal in East Toledo. Cleveland Cliffs leases approximately 100 acres on the east side of the site from the terminal operator, Midwest Terminals of Toledo.

The production of commercial tonnage of HBI at the direct reduction plant officially began in 2020. This project created 130 permanent jobs, more than 1,200 construction jobs and represents a $700 million investment in the Toledo Region!

This project was made possible due to partnerships between the Port Authority, JobsOhio, Midwest Terminals of Toledo, City of Toledo, Lucas County, Regional Growth Partnership, and the Ohio Rail Development Commission.

Cleveland-Cliffs, Inc. receives more than two million tons of product, delivered by vessel, for the production of HBI, and has added 100 new vessel calls per year at the Port of Toledo. The finished product ships from the facility via truck and rail.          


Consistent dredging, coupled with proper disposal of the dredged material, is critical to the long-term sustainability of both the Port of Toledo's industrial operations and the ecosystem of the Toledo Harbor. The Toledo-Lucas County Port Authority works in conjunction with state and federal agencies to monitor and manage the dredging of the Port of Toledo. We are also working diligently on non-traditional solutions for beneficial reuse, such as the implementation of agricultural field applications and the creation of soils and other blends. The Toledo-Lucas County Port Authority (TLCPA) has partnered with the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency and the Ohio Department of Natural Resources to reactivate Toledo’s dredge placement confined disposal facility (CDF), known as Facility 3, at the mouth of the Maumee River. For more information on this project, please click here. The Port of Toledo is 100% navigable and can accommodate any sized vessel utilizing the Great Lakes St. Lawrence Seaway System up to and including 1000' lake-trading vessels.

maps, Economic impact studies, and resources

logistics providers